Ayurvedic management of migraine

Migraine headache is a severe headache which can be debilitating and cause significant disability. They are more common among females than males.Migraine is known as Suryavartha soola in Ayurveda, where Surya means Sun and avartha means arise of affliction, thus the aggravation of pain with light and heat. However, the type of migraine headache may be different according to a person’s individual constitution.


The exact cause of migraine is not well-known but genetic and environmental causes play an important role. We know in Ayurveda they can be caused by a Pitta-Vata imbalance.

An imbalance in the hot Pitta dosha manifests as a burning, searing, sharp pain – which can be associated with visual sensations and light sensitivity. Often exacerbated by heat, migraines may be triggered by eyestrain from using computers and watching television. Causes include digestive imbalances; the accumulation of digestive toxins; exposure to environmental pollution and toxins that can be found in food, air and water; and excess stress as expressed in anger, frustration, and mood swings.


  • Pulsating headache, often on one side
  • Nausea
  • Sensitivity to light, noise, and odours
  • Pulsating and recurrent pain
  • Blurred vision
  • Light headedness
  • Fatigue

Symptoms may last for 2-3 days

Dos and Don’ts for Migraine

  • Avoid the food stuffs that trigger the disease.
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol completely.
  • Avoid dried food stuffs, fast food and junk food.
  • Take warm food rich in clarified butter.
  • Do regular meditation and pranayama.
  • Regularize your bowels. Avoid constipation.

Ayurvedic Treatment

Ayurvedic treatment is not for the disease itself, but it is tailored for the particular condition of disease of the individual. Panchakarma (purification) treatments are highly recommended for treating Migraine. This is done after a detailed ayurvedic consultation with the ayurvedic doctor. Treatment is tailored by the doctor which can consist of herbs, therapies and a diet/lifestyle program.


  • In chronic Migraine, toxic materials will be deposited in the head and can affect the function of the different sense organs. This then can produce sensitivity to light, sound, odour and mood changes. Panchakarma helps to remove these toxins and helps to strengthen the nerve system.
  • Special treatments like Sirodhara, Shiroabhyanga, Sirovasti etc. helps to nourish the nervous system and thereby the action of Vata is normalised.


Nasya (administering of herbal preparations through the nostrils) is one of the treatments which directly acts on the nerves and removes the toxins accumulated in the sinuses. Mucus coating inside the nostrils are one of the areas where numerous nerve endings are exposed. The medicated oils applied through Nasya directly acts on these nerve endings, helping to pacify Vata, and draining the mucus deposited in the sinuses. Thus, the pressure in this area is relieved.

Other Panchakarma treatments like Vasti (enema), and Virechana (purgation) also help to eliminate toxins from the body.

Oil Pulling 

Another perfect substitute therapy for migraine is oil pulling or Kavala Graha. It has a powerful detoxifying effect that can increase relief from migraines and other conditions brought on from poisonous toxins. Another added benefit of Kavala Graha therapy is whiter teeth!


This therapy can be a perfect ayurvedic medicine for a migraine. In Shirodhara, a continuous stream of warm oil is poured over the area where the nerves are highly concentrated i.e. the forehead. This way the pressure of the oil forms a vibration on the forehead which helps the nervous system and mind experience mental relaxation.


Its a best antidote for stress. Through asanas we get physical fitness and through breathing exercises we get mental relaxation.Yog Nidra and meditation helps to get rid of  migraine completely.