Therapeutic Ayurveda Treatment

Any Consultation $35

Shiro Abhyanga

Ayurvedic Head Massage:

For all body constitutions vata, Pitta & Kapha
It stimulates the flow of blood to the follicles, improving the supply of nutrients needed for healthy hair growth & to make them strong.

30 minutes – $35/$60 (Excluding GST)

head spa

Indian head massage or champissage is based on ancient Indian ayurvedic healing system. Friction on the upper three chakras-vishudhi, goverening the throat region and its associated organs, ajya chakra-the third eye point, located on the forehead, centre of the wisdom and the sahastra chakra or the master chakra associated with the pineal plexus and found at the crown of the head, combined with visual and auditory stimuli allow the innate healing energy to rebalance and harmony.
The method begins with treating of head with oil to provide necessary nourishment.

Massaging the scalp stimulates the flow of blood to the follicles, improving the supply of nutrients needed for healthy hair growth and to make them strong. After the massage, steaming is an important part of this procedure since it helps to open the pores on the scalp. It removes all impurities (dead cells and extra sebum), relives tension in the head, neck and shoulders stimulating microcirculation.

Life stress is the main concern of today’s busy life. Head spa is not only invaluable treatment of this monster and a general sense of relaxation, clear and focused mind but helps to relieve stress linked problems likemigrain, tension headaches, eye strains, and neck and shoulder stiffness. Moreover it makes the hairs strong, bouncy, dandruff free and shiny.

30 minutes – $35/$60 (Excluding GST)

Pada abhyanga

Ayurvedic Foot Massage:

For all body constitutions: vata, Kapha, especially Pitta

This highly relaxing Ayurvedic foot massage uses special Ayurvedic oils and is not only revitalizing for tired feed and legs, but as the feed contain key energy and nerve points relating to the whole body also harmonizes and relaxes the entire body. This massage improves blood circulation helps in preventing (or treating) varicose veins and also reduces swelling and soreness in the lower leg region Book a massage.

30 minutes – $35/$60 (Excluding GST)

Pristha abhyanga

Ayurvedic Back Massage:

For body constitution Pitta especially Vata & Kapha

IPrecious herb-infused Ayurvedic oils are used for this muscle relaxing and revitalising massage which relieves back ache improves the blood circulation to the muscles of the back and releases tensions and strains throughout the body It also promotes the flow of energy throughout the body through activating the energy channels in the body and relaxes and strengthens the nervous system.

45 minutes – $50 (Excluding GST)

Relaxing Or Marma Massage

  • In Ayurvedic relaxing massage, we use medicated oils and specific strokes relevant to body’s constitution and present imbalances.
  • It unblocks stagnated 107 marma points (energy points) which induces a more rhythmic energy flow and leaves you feeling more relaxed and rejuvenated.
  • The massage finishes with the head being massaged with the medicated oils as well. This helps to bring balance between the mind and body and stabilize the nervous system.
  • It counters joint stiffness, arthritis, mental and physical fatigue and aids with sleep.
  • It slows down the ageing process by improving skin texture and complexion.
  • Relaxing massage is particularly suited to conditions involving stress or improving emotionally-related conditions.

60 minutes – $60 (Excluding GST)

Everyone can have relaxing massage, especially to alleviate stress and sore muscles.


Ayurvedic Detoxyfying whole body Massage: For all body constitutions Vata Pitta Kapha

Special herb-infused Ayurvedic oils are slowly warmed up and gently massaged into the skin. The massage is deeply relaxing and harmonises detoxifies strengthens and revitalises the entire body. The massage also improves lymph flow a stimulates the immune system further more whilst providing and tired person with new energy it simultaneously calms and strengthens the nervous system.

In this massage we try to scrap the toxins from body with different kind of strokes and just after massage you have to sit in a steam chamber. In that steam chamber we put the medication according to your body constitution. That medicated steam opens your skin pores and all the toxins come out from body as a sweat. In this way body get detoxified and helps to loose the weight.

90 minutes – $79 (Excluding GST)


Ayurvedic Forehead Oil-flow Treatment:
For all body constitutions: Vata, Pitta, Kapha
Warn herb-infused Ayurvedic oil is gently and steadily poured over the forehead in a continuous stream using a special rhythmic swaying movement. This results in a fantastic sense of deep relaxation and inner peace… ever one should try this… it is truly divine !! The shrodhara treatment is highly effective in removing mental stress and anxieties in treating insomnia and also in curing headaches.


30 minutes – $49 (Excluding GST)

Dripping 30 min + Back Shoulder + Head Massage  

60 minutes – $79 (Excluding GST)

Dripping 30 min + 60 min Whole Body Relaxing + Head Massage

90 minutes – $95 (Excluding GST)

Nasya Treatment

Nasya karma means administering drops of herbal liquid preparations or medicated oils through nose. This detoxification method is also known as Shirovirechana. Vitiated doshas and toxins which are accumulated in head and neck are expelled through nose and mouth along with nasal and oral secretions. As a preparatory procedure neck, face and head massage is given to patient with medicated oil and steam bath is given only to head and neck region. Patient is made to lay on his back with foot end elevated and head reclined. The medicated liquid or oil is administered in drops to both nostrils consecutively. Patient is advised to inhale the medicine slowly.
Benefits of Nasya Treatment:
  • Opens and clears breathing channels.
  • Beneficial in frequent colds.
  • Great relief from sinusitis, migraine, headache and allergies.
  • Good in voice hoarseness.

60 minutes – $79 (Excluding GST)

90 minutes – $95 (Excluding GST)

Kati Basti Treatment

An Ayurvedic, unique warm oil treatment for the lower back which can be helpful in treating all lower back ailments including acute and chronic pain, nerve disorders, stiffness, sciatica and nourishing whole back.

A dough from special grains which is shaped into a small ring and placed on the affected area and is then filled with warm medicated oil. The oil is retained within the ring at a specific temperature for a specific time. This helps the oil to penetrate deeper into the tissues, softening the stiff and tight muscles.

After a specific period, massage is done on specific marma points around the affected area to repair ligaments and tendons, followed by a localised herbal medicated steam to deepen the effect. This helps to soften the stiff ligaments & tendons and to accelerate the repair of damaged tissue.

60 minutes – $79 (Excluding GST)

90 minutes – $95 (Excluding GST)


The knee joint is called Janu Sandhi in Sanskrit; hence the name Janu Basti  is given to the proceduredone on knee joints. In this the knee joint is bathed with warm medicated oil or freshly prepared herbal decoction. Depending on the condition it can be practiced over both the knee joints or on one knee joint. Knee joints are  considered as sandhi Marma in Ayurveda (joint type of vital areas) which measure about three fingers (three anguli pramana).So the janu vasti is specialized knee therapy or massage which rejuvenate the janu marma.

Treatment Method:

  • The person is made to lie on his back on the massage table (Droni).
  • Reservoir made of black gram dough is built upon the Knee Joint. The dough ring should be such that it covers the knee joint.
  • After ensuring the ring is  leakproof, the lukewarm medicated oil or herbal decoction is slowly poured into it. When that cools down, it is squeezed out with cotton gauze and the procedure is repeated.
  • At the end of the procedure, the ring is removed and  the affected area may be gently massaged The person is then made to take rest for a short while.


  • Pacifies aggravated Vata dosha in the knee region.
  • Restores the lubricating fluid in the joint and maintain integrity of the structures involved in the joint.
  • Removes stiffness and pain in Knee joint.
  • Protects knee joints from age related changes.
  • Increases blood circulation; thus strengthens and nourishes the knee joints.
  • Improves the mobility of the knee joints (knee flexion and knee extension).

It is indicated in the following conditions:

  • Osteoarthritis of knee joints
  • Osteoporosis
  • Arthrosis of knee joints
  • Chronic pain of the knee joint

Duration of treatment: 60 minutes -$79 (Excluding GST)

Duration of treatment: 90 minutes -$95 (Excluding GST)


Ayurvedic Detoxification & Rejuvination

Human body is wonderful in its natural healing capability. It continuously keeps rejuvenating itself. But whenever the Doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) are severely imbalanced and the toxic substances are formed in large amounts, the natural capability of the body to heal itself gets blocked. To correct this situation, Ayurveda offers us the gift of “Panchakarma”, the science of detoxification and rejuvenation. Panchakarma can be divided into two words: “Pancha” meaning five and “Karma” meaning actions. Hence, when put together the phrase means five actions or steps towards detoxification and rejuvenation.

 During this process of cleansing, various systems are first freed of all toxins, excess Doshas are eliminated and the body is rejuvenated.

Ayurveda uses two main ways to treat and cure diseases.
Shamana: In this type of therapy, palliative methods are used to treat a condition. These can be herbs, food, exercise, life style routine etc. This is used for people who are very weak. Shamana treatment may also be given where Shodhana is contraindicated. Sometimes some patients prefer a Shamana treatment instead of Shodhana treatment..
Shodhana: In this type of therapy, palliative methods are used to treat a condition. These can be herbs, food, exercise, life style routine etc. This is used for people who are very weak. Shamana treatment may also be given where Shodhana is contraindicated. Sometimes some patients prefer a Shamana treatment instead of Shodhana treatment..
According to Ayurveda, excess Ama formation in the body is the cause of all diseases. Whenever Agni or the digestive fire becomes weak, all the food that we eat does not get digested. Some of the undigested, half-metabolised, unabsorbed food circulates in the body as a toxin called Ama and becomes the cause of disease.

Ayurveda gives immense importance to the digestive system. The digestive system is divided into three parts based on the Doshas. The upper part of the digestive tract till the stomach comes under Kapha Dosha. The middle part of the tract from the lower part of stomach to the small intestines comes under Pitta Dosha. The lower part of the tract from the colon to anus is categorised as Vata.

Panchakarma itself is divided into three phases:

Purvakarma (Preparation phase): In this phase the body is prepared for the main phase which includes the five actions. As already mentioned, the digestive tract holds immense importance in Ayurveda. During the preparation phase, excess Doshas and Ama are drawn towards and into the digestive system. Excess Kapha gets accumulated in the upper part, excess Pitta gets accumulated in the middle part and excess Vata is accumulated in the lower part of the digestive tract. To make this happen, various oil therapies (both internal and external) are administered. For internal oleation, ghee or clarified butter is given in small amounts everyday till the excess Doshas are collected in the digestive tract. Simultaneously various external therapies, for e.g. whole body massage, Shirodhara etc are given. During this phase the client’s food is also regulated to suit the Panchakarma procedure.

Pradhanakarna (Main Phase):Once excess Doshas and Ama are collected in the digestive system, the five main actions are now administered to remove or eliminate them from the body. These five actions are as follows:
Vamana (therapeutic vomiting): This helps to remove excess Kapha Dosha, which has been collected in the upper part of the digestive tract, from the body. Indications for a Vamana therapy are chronic cough, asthma, respiratory conditions, diabetes, loss of appetite and other Kapha disorders. Contra-indications include gastric ulcers, heart conditions, and tumours in abdominal region.
Virecana (therapeutic purgation):This helps to remove excess Pitta, which has been collected in the middle part of the tract, from the body. Indications for a Virecana therapy are skin disorders, chronic fevers, conditions of liver and spleen, jaundice, conditions of the mouth, teeth and gums and other Pitta conditions. Contra-indications include anal fissures, bleeding in the lower part of the tract, ulcers in the large intestine etc.

Basti (medicated decoction and oil enema): Both decoction or oil enemas are given alternatively to remove excess Vata Dosha, which has been collected in the lower part of the digestive tract, from the body. Indications for Basti treatment are constipation, general pains in different parts of the body, paralysis, epilepsy, bone pain and skeletal conditions and other Vata conditions. Contra-indication include diarrhoea, bleeding from the lower part of the digestive tract, very weak patients etc.

Nasya (nasal administration): Medicated oils are administered in each nostril to remove excess Kapha Dosha accumulated in the head and neck region. Indications are sinusitis, problems in breathing, heaviness in head etc.

Raktamokshana (blood letting): In olden days leeches were used (now a days blood may be removed with a needle and syringe) to remove excess blood from the body which in turn removes excess Pitta Dosha from the body. Indications are skin problems, eczema, abscess, haemorrhoids, etc. Contra-indications may include severe bleeding disorders, low blood pressure etc.

During the administration of the above therapies, the patient follows a specific diet. Food should be warm, nourishing, light and easily digestible. One should avoid excess spicy, sour, salty foods. Kitchari (a combination of rice, mung beans and some mild spices) is widely suggested during Panchakarma. One must avoid strenuous physical activities, late nights, alcohol, smoking etc.

General contra-indications for Panchakarma: Very weak patients, very old or very young people, pregnancy, certain heart conditions etc. In such cases Shamana therapy may be administered.

Paschakarma (post-treatment phase): Panchakarma can be compared to a surgical procedure where by one must follow certain rule and regulations. Immediately after surgery, one is advised to get back to normal lifestyle gradually. Likewise during this phase, one gradually starts following normal lifestyle including food intake, daily lifestyle, exercises etc. One also takes certain herbs and herbal remedies to complete the rejuvenation process in the body. The common herbs given during this phase are Ashwagandha, Pippali, Brahmi, Amalaki etc. Although one must bear in mind the body type before giving any herbs.

One should undertake Panchakarma procedure at least once every year. Panchakarma is not only for people suffering from diseases but also for healthy people who want to maintain good health and long life. Panchakarma is usually done at the junction of two seasons (e.g. between summer and autumn). Panchakarma can be done in 2 weeks.

Panchakarma is a special procedure which requires guidance and supervision of a properly trained Ayurvedic practitioner. Each person receives this treatment in a tailor made format to suit their body type and medical problems, if any. Other medical conditions like high blood pressure, heart problems, bleeding conditions etc are also taken into consideration before designing a protocol for a patient (as these may form a contra-indication for certain therapies). Always consult a fully qualified Ayurvedic practitioner if you wish to receive Panchakarma therapy.